“The Muffin Man” rhyme is a catchy song about a baker who sells muffins. It is also a singing game. This rhyme was first written in a very old book in England around 1820. That book is still kept safe in a Bodleian library!
During the Victorian period, people bought fresh food from street vendors, and the muffin man was one of them. Drury Lane, where the muffin man lives in the rhyme, was a real place in London.This fun little song is a reminder of how things used to be.
“The Muffin Man” Lyrics
Do [or “Oh, do”] you know the muffin man,
The muffin man, the muffin man.
Do you know the muffin man,
Who lives on Drury Lane?
Yes [or “Oh, yes”], I know the muffin man,
The muffin man, the muffin man,
Yes, I know the muffin man,
Who lives on Drury Lane. [1]
“For an audio-visual experience, please check out this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rie7VlVetJs
Frequently Asked Questions about the nursery rhyme “The Muffin Man” :
Q1: How to teach the action for the nursery rhyme “The Muffin Man”?
A1: Please go to the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4jfwiQxE20
Q2: What is the rhyme about?
A2: The rhyme is a simple song about a baker who sells muffins.
Q3: How old is it?
A3: The rhyme was first written down in England around 1820, making it very old!
Q4: Who is the Muffin Man?
A4: The Muffin Man was a vendor who sold fresh muffins on the streets, kind of like a food truck today.
Q5: Did the Muffin Man live on Drury Lane?
A5: Drury Lane is a real place in London, but we don’t know for sure if a Muffin Man lived there. The rhyme just tells us where he might have lived.
Q6: What are some activities that can be done with the nursery rhyme “The Muffin Man”?
A6: Here are some activities that can be done with the nursery rhyme “The Muffin Man”
- Baking Muffins
- Role-playing: Encourage children to role-play as characters from the rhyme, such as the Muffin Man, the little boy or girl, and the people who live on Drury Lane.
- Crafts: Provide materials for children to create their own Muffin Man puppets and muffin-themed artwork.
- Sing-Along and Actions.
- English grammar activity: Sight Words-Do, You, Know, The, Muffin, Man, Who, Lives, On.